Boycezone undercover as -

The Manic Street Teachers

May 12th 2001 -
Boycezone went undercover for the Liverpool / Arsenal F.A. Cup Final at Cardiff.

Shades of the Village People here. From left to right we have -

The Woodwork teacher - Pete Davies
The P.E. teacher - James Roberts
The Art teacher - Phil John
The Science teacher - John Watkin (not sure about that base-ball cap though)

Only one of them represents their real teaching subject - can you guess which one?

Someone was heard to remark later -
"There were these four men in town today, in their mid 40s, wearing funny clothes and singing 'SexBomb'. Really bizarre!"
It's quite flattering considering our real ages, except for James - that's what teaching does for you.
And it mentions another of our numbers -
"The Old Bazaar in Cairo" (Sandbags, windbags, camels with a hump .....)

All in aid of The League of Friends of Whitchurch Hospital (£176).

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