Lorna's Tasty Treats

Lorna’s Fish Pie  


Place a mixture of pieces of white fish in a pyrex dish – around 300g. or 12 ozs.

Add some milk – just enough to cover [half pint max.]

Microwave for 3 - 4 minutes, until just cooked.

Leave to stand for a few minutes.

Strain off the milk in a jug.


Chop a small onion and a few mushrooms, and place in saucepan with a large knob of butter. Gently cook until soft, then add a tablespoon of plain flour, and stir thoroughly.

Gradually add the milk from the fish, stirring.

Add a fish stock cube.

Add a little white wine [ about 2 tbsp. if you’ve got some opened !]

Stir until thick, then add about 2 tbsp. single cream.


Pour the sauce over the fish, and add a handful of prawns – around 100gms or 4 ozs. [Half a packet of frozen prawns are ideal]


Either..... put half a dozen frozen medium vol-au-vent cases on top – arrange in a pattern.....


Or..... make some shortcrust pastry [4 oz.], and cut out some Welsh-cake shapes with a cutter, then arrange on the top.


Brush with milk, and put in the oven – about 170 degrees F, for about 15 or 20 minutes, until the pastry is brown


Or.....cover with mashed potato [with parsley and garlic if you like], sprinkle some grated cheese on top, then bake as above.

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