Boycezone at the Wales - All Blacks match

Click for full size pictures -
Click for full size - Boycezone plus special guests.

A short spell outside St David's 2 shopping centre before we were moved on by their security.
Boycezone collecting for Tenovus before the Wales - All Blacks match. Boycezone collecting for Tenovus. Boycezone collecting for Tenovus before the Wales - All Blacks match. Being moved on by security outside John Lewis.
Back on to the wet street before a warm spot in Callaghan's at the Holiday Inn.
Boycezone collecting for Tenovus before the Wales - All Blacks match. Click for full size. Inside Callaghan's at the Holiday Inn. Click for full size.
A welcome dry spot at Cardiff City Hall for London Welsh Supporters before a final bash on Westgate Street.
John's new wig. Click for full size. Click for full size. Click for full size.

We were joined by Tenovus representatives, which brightened up a wet day -

Community Fundraiser Alex Morgan - Miss Heart of Wales and Sharon Gardner - Tenovus Natural Beauty Ambassador.

Thanks to their help and to Lorna with the buckets, we collected just over £500 for Tenovus.



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